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MK's Affiliations

​This is a listing of the heroes and super-heroes who have been fortunate enough to have encountered, and fought alongside, our beloved MK. This doesn't include the "original" characters created to be his allies (Marlene, Frenchie, etc.).


​Not MK's 1st "partner," but I feel I must list him first because of the many times they've crossed paths and the relevance of their influential pairings, especially in helping to define his character early on. And many years later, the two will be merged in an Infinity Wars side-effect to become the new hero, Arachknight.


​Again, not 1st, but they did actually "team up" officially (in the short-lived Marvel Knights), and before that they often were involved in morality tales underpinned by assertions of MK's moral standing. MK helped try to free DD of an evil entity that possessed him in Shadowland, and DD would later try to recruit MK for an assault on Mayor Fisk.

Jack Russell

​There ya go! His first pairing--of sorts! At first hired to capture Jack (perhaps better know to you as the Werewolf by Night), he assisted him and helped him tear down the Committee (later "retconned" to be his original intention after all). Interestingly, years later Jack would almost be led by MK when he was asked by the Shroud to assume leadership of the Night Shift, which Russell's werewolf personality was a member of. Unfortunately, MK turned it down. Moon Knight will later vow to kill him after Jack kidnaps Marc's daughter for a ritual out of the Darkhold.

The Punisher

​Another common antagonist/ally from MK's early years, he often provided a counter-extreme to Spidey or DD, with MK playing middle ground. Served as an important foil for MK in these scenarios. Interestingly, MK will later join Daredevil in his crusade to capture him and try to bring him to justice (see Marvel Knights).

Black Widow

Years after they were both part of DD's unofficial Marvel Knights team, Natasha would "officially" be on the same team as MK in Steve Rogers' Secret Avengers. And years later she included MK in a small team she led to save the Punisher from Zemo.

The West Coast Avengers (especially Tigra & Mockingbird)

​Partnered with Hawkeye, Iron Man, Wonder Man, Hank Pym (the original Ant Man), Mockingbird, and Tigra (with whom MK had an intimate relationship!), with later assists by Wasp, Vision, and Scarlet Witch. He then became part of a trio with Mockingbird and Tigra when the team was split over (surprise, surprise!) a moral dilemma. Tigra would later return in MK's 2021 series. And Hawkeye is revealed to be the person who invented the weapons that the Priests of Khonshu give to Moon Knight.

Captain America (Steve Rogers)

​Aside from giving Cap a cab ride and filling the scenery in the numerous Avengers-related crossover appearances, it is not until MK becomes a member of Rogers' Secret Avengers that their relationship becomes that of actual teammates. (In fact, during Marvel's Civil War, Rogers didn't even want him!)

The Defenders (especially Valkyrie)

​Nighthawk, Hellcat, and Valkyrie. I hesitate to include the Hulk, since he hardly fought with anyone back then unless you could trick him into fighting the same guys you were--not much of a team player! MK didn't join them but did remark how it was a team he could see himself being part of, and he eventually will end up on the same team as Valkyrie in Steve Rogers' Secret Avengers.

Heroes for Hire (Power Man & Iron Fist)

​Luke Cage especially impresses MK, who personally initiates him into and sponsors (a.k.a. "pays for") his membership in Daredevil's unnamed Marvel Knights team. [Years later, MK will also be a hero for hire under the revamped team, with Misty Knight acting as "Control."] Also, during the altered-reality scenario known as "House of M," MK served under Luke Cage in his anti-mutant, Sapiens-protecting Avengers.

Brother Voodoo

Dr. Drumm's path crossed MK's on several occasions, and he's earned MK's respect with his talents.


​A new partner for MK? A love interest? We'll never know "what could have been," as her temporary team-up with MK proved to be ill-fated.

Black Panther

​MK was a guest partner in Black Panther's series for a three-issue arc; they made a good-looking team together (with their contrasting costumes) and should have had more crossovers. Years later, Black Panther asked him to rejoin the Avengers after MK single-handedly (okay, he couldn't do it without Khonshu) took down the high-powered team members in an effort to help his god save the world from Mephisto, and especially since MK went on to resist both his god's influence and the temptations of the Phoenix Force when it became apparent that a world under Khonshu was no better!

Secret Avengers

​In addition to Black Widow and Valkyrie, with whom he has had past associations, and Steve Rogers and Nova, who have shared the page with him in the past as well, MK now has fellow teammates War Machine, Beast, and Ant Man (Eric O'Grady) to add to his roster of affiliations.

The Midnight Sons

Wong assembles Blade, Ghost Rider, Iron Fist, Brother Voodoo, Man-Thing, Elsa Bloodstone, and Moon Knight (and joined by Scarlet Spider as well) to tackle Mephisto.


​Nova had helped in the "Round Robin" arc of The Amazing Spider-Man, which dealt with the fate of MK's "sidekick," Midnight, and was part of the original lineup of Secret Avengers along with MK.

Shang-Chi, Master of Kung-Fu

​They were both in DD's Marvel Knights and also teamed up in the only Marc Spector: Moon Knight Annual.

Ms. Marvel & Sentry

​Helped MK tackle Hulk and a Wendigo army in a three-issue arc of Hulk, in which we learn that MK and Sentry see the same therapist.

Cloak & Dagger

​Black Widow brought Dagger into DD's Marvel Kights, and Cloak tagged along, even though he wasn't actually in the team.

Heroes for Hire (Misty Knight)

​Moonlighting from the Secret Avengers to be a Hero for Hire, MK usually works alone but could easily have been paired with any of Misty Knight's on-call heroes, which include fellow Secret Avenger Black Widow among a seemingly endless roster that was known to contain Falcon, Paladin, Silver Sable, Ghost Rider, Satana, and Elektra, among others.


8-Ball went from being a villain MK would terrorize for information early in the 2021 series to becoming a member of the team at the Midnight Mission by the end of the series.

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